Monday, June 21, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
In Defense of Food: Part 1
Howdy Everybody! Word of Wisdom Man here, I stumbled across this 4-part Youtube series by Michael Pollan, author of the previously recommended In Defense of Food, as well as the Omnivore's Dilemma. I found much of what he has to say insightful into understanding modern nutrition-ism and how marketing has managed to convince many people that man made food is in some way superior to that which God has created... Enjoy.
Monday, June 14, 2010
In the Season Thereof
How do we know if something is in season? One hint is to notice what is in abundance and on sale in the grocery market. Another way is to check out farmers' markets. The internet, of course, is helpful. :)

Red-White-and-Blue Fruit Salad
1 cup blueberries
5 cups strawberries
2 bananas (not too ripe)
1 very ripe red banana, or 1/2 a small plantain, very ripe
Cut strawberries into halves or thirds; cut yellow bananas in 1/2" pieces, toss together.
Blend red bananas or plantain in a blender, adding a shot of water if necessary, to make a cream. Blend into fruit pieces.1 cup blueberries
5 cups strawberries
2 bananas (not too ripe)
1 very ripe red banana, or 1/2 a small plantain, very ripe
Cut strawberries into halves or thirds; cut yellow bananas in 1/2" pieces, toss together.
Creamy Sunshine Salad
3 red bananas, or 1 plantain, or 1 banana, very ripe
2 Tbs. coconut water (the juice --sometimes called milk--of a young coconut)
3 peaches, diced
3 nectarines, diced
1 mango, diced
Whip ripe bananas and coconut water in a blender until smooth; it should be on the thick side. Combine cubed fruit with sauce in a bowl. Serve.
By the way, growing your own is still best. Tree-ripened fruit is amazingly good for you, and more scrumptious than any other. Get local if you can't grow it. If you can't get local, look for organic. If you can't get organic, some fruit is better than no fruit, in my opinion.
3 red bananas, or 1 plantain, or 1 banana, very ripe
2 Tbs. coconut water (the juice --sometimes called milk--of a young coconut)
3 peaches, diced
3 nectarines, diced
1 mango, diced
Whip ripe bananas and coconut water in a blender until smooth; it should be on the thick side. Combine cubed fruit with sauce in a bowl. Serve.
If I were a betting woman, I would bet that this would even go over well at any Relief Society event, they may ask you how you got the "cream" to taste so fruity (no, it wasn't green jell-o added in)!
Granola Bars
I just ordered this eBook called "Healthy Snacks To Go" by Katie Kimball of Kitchen Stewardship (link on the side bar), and it's a big hit so far! It's only $6.95, so you don't have to worry about your pocket book.
Katie's granola bars are so great. My husband has decided that he thinks we need them on hand at all times and he wants to show them off to everyone. There are lots of tips and recipes to keep you and your family more healthy with more healthful snacks that you can have in your diaper bag or wherever. Like Larabars? Try making your own!
Katie's granola bars are so great. My husband has decided that he thinks we need them on hand at all times and he wants to show them off to everyone. There are lots of tips and recipes to keep you and your family more healthy with more healthful snacks that you can have in your diaper bag or wherever. Like Larabars? Try making your own!
Here are my guys after enjoying some soaked granola bars.

"Soaked" granola bars. There is only one because these went so quickly! I didn't wait until they were fully cooled to add the chocolate chips, thus the melting.

The next time I made these I didn't have time to soak and dehydrate my oats, but we loved them anyway! I had some more patience to wait until they were cool to add the chips, as you can see.

We loved these both ways. The soaked had a bit more crunch to them along with being chewy (I did unbaked both times), and the un-soaked are chewy deliciousness. Yum! Thank you, Katie!

"Soaked" granola bars. There is only one because these went so quickly! I didn't wait until they were fully cooled to add the chocolate chips, thus the melting.

The next time I made these I didn't have time to soak and dehydrate my oats, but we loved them anyway! I had some more patience to wait until they were cool to add the chips, as you can see.

We loved these both ways. The soaked had a bit more crunch to them along with being chewy (I did unbaked both times), and the un-soaked are chewy deliciousness. Yum! Thank you, Katie!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Green Smoothies
"And again, verily I say unto you, all wholesome aherbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man—
Spinach. Kale. Collard Greens. What do they have in common? They are REALLY good for us. How much of them do we actually eat?
Well, spinach gets quite a bit of publicity. It is eaten cooked and raw in salads by a lot of people, I'd say. That's great. But when was the last time you had kale and parsley raw, or ever?
If you've been drinking green smoothies, you can answer with confidence: "This morning!" Wahoo! I can.
When I first got into living the Word of Wisdom more fully, the Raw community gave me lots of good ideas and information on how to feed myself and my family. Green smoothies were my real start, and if people only added one good thing into their diet, these would be my suggestion.
If you know nothing about green smoothies, here is the website of the woman who first thought them up. Here is a very good basic video done by her son.
People do a lot of different things with green smoothies. On the sidebar is a site called Green Smoothie Girl, and she has lots of info and products. Some people say to do lots of supplements and such, some people say otherwise. There will always be conflicting information, so the best thing to do is experiment for yourself. I happen to favor the method of the woman who started the whole thing.
Here are some great starter recipes. Once you get going you won't need recipes, but it's nice to have them in the beginning. These recipes come from the Raw Divas.
I personally mix greens, and recommend using lots of spinach to begin. It tastes the least "green." Also, adding a small slice of lemon (skin and all if it's organic) hides "green" flavor. If you need to in the beginning, add a tablespoon of honey or agave. There are recipes and videos all over the place online. Have fun with it and if you have questions, leave me a comment and I'll do my best to answer.
Drink up!
Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to be used with aprudence and bthanksgiving." ( Word of wisdom, verses 10-11)
Spinach. Kale. Collard Greens. What do they have in common? They are REALLY good for us. How much of them do we actually eat?
Well, spinach gets quite a bit of publicity. It is eaten cooked and raw in salads by a lot of people, I'd say. That's great. But when was the last time you had kale and parsley raw, or ever?
If you've been drinking green smoothies, you can answer with confidence: "This morning!" Wahoo! I can.
When I first got into living the Word of Wisdom more fully, the Raw community gave me lots of good ideas and information on how to feed myself and my family. Green smoothies were my real start, and if people only added one good thing into their diet, these would be my suggestion.
If you know nothing about green smoothies, here is the website of the woman who first thought them up. Here is a very good basic video done by her son.
People do a lot of different things with green smoothies. On the sidebar is a site called Green Smoothie Girl, and she has lots of info and products. Some people say to do lots of supplements and such, some people say otherwise. There will always be conflicting information, so the best thing to do is experiment for yourself. I happen to favor the method of the woman who started the whole thing.
Here are some great starter recipes. Once you get going you won't need recipes, but it's nice to have them in the beginning. These recipes come from the Raw Divas.
Banana Slug Green Smoothie
1 cup water
3 bananas
2 pears
2 cups romaine lettuce
Blend everything. If you think lettuce and bananas can’t combine, think again!
Green Revolution Smoothie
1 cup water (or more if needed)
4 medium bananas
1 handful chard leaves
Black (dinosaur) kale, 5-6 small to medium leaves or 2-3 big leaves
Blend water with bananas first, and add greens progressively and blend until smooth.
Groovy Green Smoothie
1 banana, cut in chunks
1 cup grapes
½ apple, cored and chopped
1 ½ cups fresh spinach leaves
Place the banana, grapes, apple and spinach into a blender. Cover, and blend until smooth.
Pour into glasses and serve.
I’m Green, I’m Green
Makes 2 servings
2 cups papaya, diced
2 bananas
1 or 2 cups kale
Blend the papaya first, and then add bananas and kale progressively. Use more or less
kale to taste. Add water for blending, if necessary.
Kale Lover Green Smoothie
Makes 2 servings
3 bananas
2 apples (golden or other sweet variety)
1 cup water
1 ½ cups kale or mixed baby greens**
** “Mixed baby greens” is a mix of various young greens. It can be found in most
produce stores and health food stores. The best types are the organic brands.
Blend in the bananas, apples and water. Add in the kale or mixed baby greens and
continue blending until smooth.
1 cup water
3 bananas
2 pears
2 cups romaine lettuce
Blend everything. If you think lettuce and bananas can’t combine, think again!
Green Revolution Smoothie
1 cup water (or more if needed)
4 medium bananas
1 handful chard leaves
Black (dinosaur) kale, 5-6 small to medium leaves or 2-3 big leaves
Blend water with bananas first, and add greens progressively and blend until smooth.
Groovy Green Smoothie
1 banana, cut in chunks
1 cup grapes
½ apple, cored and chopped
1 ½ cups fresh spinach leaves
Place the banana, grapes, apple and spinach into a blender. Cover, and blend until smooth.
Pour into glasses and serve.
I’m Green, I’m Green
Makes 2 servings
2 cups papaya, diced
2 bananas
1 or 2 cups kale
Blend the papaya first, and then add bananas and kale progressively. Use more or less
kale to taste. Add water for blending, if necessary.
Kale Lover Green Smoothie
Makes 2 servings
3 bananas
2 apples (golden or other sweet variety)
1 cup water
1 ½ cups kale or mixed baby greens**
** “Mixed baby greens” is a mix of various young greens. It can be found in most
produce stores and health food stores. The best types are the organic brands.
Blend in the bananas, apples and water. Add in the kale or mixed baby greens and
continue blending until smooth.
I personally mix greens, and recommend using lots of spinach to begin. It tastes the least "green." Also, adding a small slice of lemon (skin and all if it's organic) hides "green" flavor. If you need to in the beginning, add a tablespoon of honey or agave. There are recipes and videos all over the place online. Have fun with it and if you have questions, leave me a comment and I'll do my best to answer.
Drink up!
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